α’αΈαααΆαα ID: 100658 α ααα½αααΎα:
ποΈLA Link house For Rent In Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Snor (AT)
π Rental price: 850 $ / month (nego)
π Land size: 5m x 20m
π House size 5m x 12m
π Bedrooms: 4
π Bathrooms: 5
π Equipped with 4 air conditioners, 1 wooden sofa, 1 table, 1 set of bed and mattress, 1 set of refrigerator, 1 stove, 2 hot and cold water, and curtains.
π South turn
π Remaining land in front 6m
πBack rest 2m
πContact :086481687/ 078783513
πContact Teiegram @Sok_horn168
αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα
Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1
πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19
πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh