α’αΈαααΆαα ID: 97840 α ααα½αααΎα:
π Shop house for rent
βLocation Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Sno Project 7 Polaris 2
β Rental price: $ 700 / Month
β Land size: 4.5m x 21m
β House size: 4.5m x 16m
Remaining land 5m in front and 2m behind
β 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms
β East facing house
β Fully equipped
πContact :086481687/ 078783513
πContact Teiegram @Sokhorn_Agency79
αααΎαααααααα»α Link ααΆααααααααα
Channel αααα»ααα»ααΈ https://t.me/Borey_beng_houth1
πChannel Land ααΈααααΈ https://https://t.me/propertyRealEstate19
πChannel ααααααααααα αα»ααΈ _https://t.me/House_Sale_RentPhnomPenh